AfroCentric Wellness (AW) is a subsidiary of AfroCentric Corporate Solutions that creates and deliver bespoke wellness solutions.

As a preferred provider for several medical schemes and organisations we have capability to provide onsite wellness screening, corporate nurses and follow-up interventions through our extensive network of nurses, biokineticists and dieticians across South Africa.

Our comprehensive and integrated workplace health and wellness solutions enable us to address mental and physical wellbeing needs of both your organisation and employees.

Our approach to health and wellness is focused on 5 simple goals:

  • Providing members access to personalized health consultations
  • Engaging and empowering members to make better health choices
  • Mitigating health risks for both member and employer through early detention and prevention
  • Improving health outcomes
  • Assisting members to enjoy a quality of life

    Our services

    1. Health Risk Assessments

    A Health Risk Assessment is an instrument used to collect health information This assessment determines an individual or group’s current health risk status and risk of developing lifestyle related diseases. The assessments are conducted onsite by qualified health care practitioners. Results are evidence based, specific and used to guide an individual to enjoy a healthier lifestyle with reduced risk of disease.

    A Lifestyle questionnaire forms part of the health risk assessment. This assessment considers an individual’s family history, lifestyle behaviours and is used to determine their risk of developing cardiovascular disease, other lifestyle diseases; mental health conditions and their willingness to change.

    Health risk assessments include the following tests:

    • Cholesterol
    • Blood glucose
    • Blood pressure
    • Body Mass Index (BMI)
    • Prostate specific antigen (PSA)
    • TB screening questionnaire

    Individuals who are at risk of developing a chronic disease are referred to their treating doctor or to the relevant EAP for further intervention. Participants who indicate that they are smokers and that they would like to receive assistance to stop smoking, are referred for enrolment to the relevant smoking cessation program.

    Benefits for employees

    • Access to personalized health consultation
    • Awareness of current health status
    • Early identification which allows prevention of onset on chronic diseases
    • Make informed health decision
    • Improved health outcomes
    • Enjoy a quality of life
    • Activation of benefit booster for Bonitas scheme members

    Benefits for employer

    • Improved health status of the work force
    • Reduced absenteeism
    • Reduced burden of disease


    2. Corporate Nursing

    Corporate Nursing is an onsite service provided to employees by professional nurses. Corporate Nursing offers preventative interventions that follow the employees’ health journey and assist employees proactively manage their health through early risk detection. The service integrates seamlessly with wellness and managed care programmes.


    • Preventative screening: taking biomarkers (blood pressure, glucose, cholesterol, BMI, PSA) and completion of health questionnaires (mental health care questionnaire, lifestyle questionnaire) to identify high-risk members
    • Pro-actively identifying and referring high-risk members to managed care programmes
    • Assistance with chronic registrations, management thereof and monitoring of compliance/adherence
    • Education on prevention; management of chronic conditions and utilisation of medical scheme benefits according to their health care needs
    • Monitoring and counselling members with unusual claims utilisation patterns – influence claiming behaviour
    • Educating and guiding members to effectively use employer services such as primary health care; EAP to assist them to manage their health and wellbeing better
    • Identifying repeat hospital admissions and implementing appropriate intervention
    • Facilitating escalation of queries from medical scheme members, employers and brokers to the scheme

    Benefits for employees

    • Access to quality healthcare
    • Saves travel time and costs
    • Reduced risk of onset of chronic diseases

    Benefits for employer

    • Reduced absenteeism
    • Increased productivity
    • Improved work-safety


    3. Lifestyle programmes

    Our lifestyle programme aims to improve the health and wellness of employees proactively by following a holistic approach to managing physical and emotional well-being. These programmes use digital platforms i.e. website and app which Afrocentric Wellness designs and manages from end-to-end.


    1. Wellness Content Afrocentric Wellness offers credible and relevant digital health and wellness content. Our content is developed by a network of health experts, doctors, psychologists and coaches. The digital content is broken up into various categories and customized to client needs. These include Nutrition, Mental Health and Money Management.
    2. Virtual Care This state-of-the-art integrated system brings technology and healthcare together, helping to reduce costs, improve efficiencies and provide a more holistic offering. Employees will be able to have a virtual consultation with a healthcare provider (Nurse or Dr) quickly and easily at work or at home
      • Benefits for employees
        • Improved health and wellbeing
        • Convenience
        • Easy access to health and wellness service
      • Benefits for employer
        • Improved productivity
        • Reduced absenteeism
        • Reduced burden of disease


    4. IGNITE

    IGNITE is a 12-week programme facilitated by an experienced Biokineticist. The objective of IGNITE is to educate employees on important facts about good nutrition and health management. Enrolled employees are assigned a personal coach who monitors and guides individuals towards their health and wellness goals

    Key components:

    • Streamed exercise classes and a downloadable video
    • Fitness challenges
    • Interactive workshops and monthly weigh-ins
    • Monthly shopping and ingredients list
    • Healthy recipes and meal plans


    5. Healthy Habits

    Healthy Habits programme is designed to assist individuals cultivate healthy habits. The programme is team based and has 8-week challenges. Participants receive challenge reminders to capture and track each component activities on the app.

    The programme tracks the following activities:

    Water intake
    Sleep pattern
    Mindfulness (reflection)


    6. Emotional Wellness Programme

    Our Emotional Wellness Programme is aimed at empowering and capacitating employees with skills to care for their emotional wellness and personal development. The programme is delivery by a highly skilled professional facilitator.

    Programme Structure

    • Pre & Post Assessments
    • Weekly module to achieve goal development – 12 weeks
    • 4 Webinars presented by professionals
    • Report on a group level to the client

    Webinar topics

    • A purpose-driven life focuses on the personal goal-setting process to assist employees to achieve their goals from a professional (work) and private life point of view.
    • Cultivating and living good habits. Cover various good habits that we should all live by, but not always successfully master.
    • The importance of becoming more resilient. The programme is aimed at assisting employees to better cope in this VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous) world that we live in. The programme not only covers personal resilience, but also how teams can become more resilient in the workplace.


    A healthier lifestyle leads to happier employees. Our lifestyle programme equips employees to:

    • Improve their physical wellbeing
    • Improve their mental wellbeing
    • Prevent diseases and health issues