Why investing in people is critical for your business

A company’s performance is built on a foundation of employee health and wellness, as well as a supportive organisational environment, strong management and leadership. Our goal is to introduce a new framework and practical tools to help your company succeed.

There are numerous benefits of investing in employee health and wellness, but calculating the investment return is often challenging. Employee health and wellbeing has both internal and external implications – from productivity to customer experience. Employee productivity at work should be converted to high performance.

Investing in people is critical for your business

Do you expect an ROI on your employees’ wellness? Do you expect an ROI on your organisational health and wellness? Of course you do.

We have over 20 years of experience in helping our clients improve their staff performance and keeping people healthy. Our various services are trusted by the business leaders and high performers of hundreds of organisations, ranging from small to mid-sized and large global corporations.

High employee wellness leads to lower staff turnover

In a recent survey of employer-sponsored health plans in various countries, a well-known HR consultancy firm found that companies which do the most to promote wellness have lower turnover rates.

Companies with five or more employee wellbeing best practices have an average turnover rate of 18%, while those with zero to two best practices have average turnover rates of 29%.

The Virtuous Wellness Cycle