Our Occupational Medicine consultants provide your company with the following:

  • Strategic advisory services
  • Reviewing policies, procedures and guidelines
  • Reviewing medical surveillance matrices and updating these as per legislative requirements and the outcomes of Health Risk Assessments
  • Providing recommendations based on health assessments outcomes
  • Data analysis and reporting
  • Advising and consulting on matters related to employee wellness


Our Occupational Health consultants support your company with strategic advisory services and policy development.

We can assist your company in achieving regulatory compliance in accordance with the OHSA (85 0f 1993), MHSA (29 of 1996) and other relevant health and safety, labour, and employee-related legislation. Health and Safety audits, conducted by our occupational health experts, can assist you in achieving occupational health and safety compliance for your business.


With our help, you can implement an effective occupational hygiene programme to identify stressors and hazards in the workplace, which is crucial to managing any professional working environment.

We can provide you with an Occupational Hygiene service which focuses on assessments of noise, air quality, chemical, biological, physical, and ergonomic stressors, providing you with insight into the hazards facing your employees. We will offer you advice on how to address these challenges.

We can help keep your staff safe around the clock.


Employers are required to conduct occupational health risk assessments to identify potential hazards in the workplace and to quantify the associated risks.

In designing a Health Risk Assessment programme for your company, we work with your management team to ensure a thorough understanding of your business and correct assessment of your unique risks.

Our Health Risk Assessments comply with the Occupational Health and Safety Act (No 85 of 1993) and include the following:

  • Workplace designs and systems
  • Medical surveillance matrices
  • Man-job specifications
  • Occupational hygiene surveys
  • Assessment and evaluation of risks
  • Assessment of controls

Once the assessment has been completed, we provide documented findings, advice on risk mitigation and change management processes, recommendations, and implementation plans.

Get in touch with us today!


Employees are required to undergo medical surveillance if exposed or potentially exposed to occupational hazards or if they are at risk of developing a health condition because of workplace exposures.

Our Medical Surveillance Programmes are designed to be risk-based and comply with statutory and industry standards.

Fitness adjudication is based on a review of risk exposures to determine whether an employee is physically and psychologically fit to perform the required job/s.

We include the following in a risk-based medical, designed to meet the needs of each client:

  • Classification into pre-employment, annual, periodic and exit medical assessments
  • Health screening assessment – health risk questionnaire (medical history, occupational history, hazard exposures)
  • Fatigue questionnaires
  • Physical examination including BMI assessment, vital signs testing, urine dipstick
  • Vision screening
  • Audiometric tests (hearing) – pre-employment, periodic and exit
  • Spirometry for lung function – pre-employment, periodic and exit
  • Biological testing as per risk exposure in the workplace
  • Drug testing (if Substance Abuse Policy can be provided by requesting company)
  • Referrals for further medical intervention; and
  • Issuing of a Certificate of Fitness document.


We can assist you with absenteeism management at your company. This will include reviewing employees with excessive sick leave usage and advising accordingly. Training sessions conducted by our occupational health experts serve to educate line managers and employees on absenteeism management.


When an employee is unable to fulfil their job’s inherent requirements, it may result from ill health or simply poor performance. We can support your company in the assessment and management of incapacity claims in line with labour legislation. A qualified Occupational Medical Practitioner conducts the incapacity assessment and review of the employee.

Our clinical team performs the following:

  • Liaise with treating healthcare professionals and gather all relevant reports and documents
  • Work closely with the Occupational Medical Practitioner in establishing the extent and duration of the incapacity, the prognosis for Return To Work, and probable maximum medical improvement
  • Drive the Fitness to Work process, using the available company structures and access to medical records
  • Provide Fitness to Work adjudication expertise, considering all the facts of the case
  • Only apply clinical medical involvement to clarify or verify medical findings in the records.

A comprehensive report is compiled and issued to the referring manager/ HR official. The report specifies the expected duration of the incapacity and whether the employee is fit to continue working. Management is also advised on how to accommodate employees in alternative positions, if needed. Further support includes assisting managers in incapacity counselling sessions with employees.


A disability is a long-term or recurring physical or mental impairment, which substantially limits prospects of entry into or advancement in employment. We can appoint an Occupational Medical Professional to assist your company in assessing incapacitated employees to determine whether they qualify for disability benefits.

A Disability Management Report is issued to the insurer, where required, providing a medical opinion of the extent of the disability, the expected duration of the disability and the opportunities available for reasonable accommodation, if any.


Injuries on Duty (IOD) are an unfortunate reality of working life. We can assist with the management of your employees who suffer IODs at our on-site clinics, within clinic operating hours. This includes follow-up assessments, wound care and treatment.

For after-hours incidents, a separate referral and follow-up procedure will apply. We can work with your on-site first-aiders to ensure that the correct IOD procedure is implemented, which complies with the relevant legislation. We can also ensure that your first-aid boxes remain fully stocked.


We can assist your company with COIDA claims management services. Matters arising under the COIDA Act 130 of 1993 will be dealt with through our COID management partner.

COIDA administration will be provided and will include:

  1. Claim Management Services
  2. Assessment Review Services

We provide ongoing support, advice, and instruction to crucial management staff through regular feedback reports.